My MontessoriBox launched its subscription-based e-commerce using Payfacile.
Zahra Ricardo, founder of Ma MontessoriBox, explains how, after having been a fan of the box system as a customer, she set up her own subscription-based e-commerce business.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself ?
After training at a major business school in Paris, I followed a fairly traditional course and acquired 10 years of experience in marketing in large food groups.
Then, my desire for entrepreneurship, freedom, to give more meaning to my professional life has repercussed. Mom of 2 children and passionate about alternative pedagogies, I came up with the idea of creating MaMontessoriBox.
Can you tell us about what your business / project ?
My MontessoriBox is the first subscription box based on Montessori pedagogy, for the natural and harmonious development of the child. It is aimed at parents of children from 3 to 6 years old.
Concretely, the customer subscribes to our site (without commitment) and receives, each month, an educational kit containing a magazine allowing him to know more about this pedagogy and how to apply it at home + play material for a specific learning through themes that vary each time.
How did you get the idea ?
Mother of young children, I was introduced to Montessori pedagogy thanks to the teacher of my daughter, who applied it in her class. In view of its spectacular evolution, both in terms of learning (mathematics, reading, writing …) than behavior (autonomy, self-confidence, curiosity, creativity …), I was conquered!
But, I quickly realized that we were very lucky because this pedagogy was unfortunately not accessible to everyone (prices of schools, equipment …). Being adept of the subscription box system, I had the idea to apply it to this pedagogy to make it accessible to the greatest number of children.
What have been some key factors in growing your business ?
Ma MontessoriBox’s offer is innovative. There is no equivalent on the market today. The quality of its content is highly appreciated (the magazine + the teaching material). And the special relationship I have with my community is very important.
How do you use Payfacile ?
Payfacile helps me set up my recurring subscription system on my website. The application also allows me to control my activity thanks to the dashboards it provides.
What do you like about Payfacile ?
Intuitive and easy to integrate on my site without being an IT expert.